Seperti biasa...kali ini kita akan berbicara mengenai haiwan pulak ya tuan2 dan pompuan..Macam yg kita suma kita suma ketahui...Sejak dua menjak ni terdapat pelbagai jenis keganasan yg berlaku kepada dunia...tak kira manusia ataupun menatang..
Tapi cerita aku pada hari ni ialah keganasan terhadap binatang...Teringat aku satu kisah ketika aku berumur 7 tahun...Dimana ketika itu,abahku ada mengupah seorang pembuat rumah berbangsa cina ni untk membuat garaj rumahku..
Jadik,hari2la kelibat pembuat rumah ni bersama isteri dan anaknya aku nampak..
Dijadikan ceritanya,satu hari si anak cina yg berumur dlam 5 tahun ni sedang mengacau anak kucing aku...Aku yg ketika itu berada di dalam rumah sedang memrhatikan saja tingkah laku amoi kecik ni dari tingkap..Aku ni sensitif skit bila orang sentuh harta aku ni..
Sekali,tiba2 anak kucing aku ni terus cakaq tgn amoi kecik yg tak habeh2 ganggu dia..Awat tak meraung amoi kecik tu..Tapi bukan kena truk pun..skit ja...over je lebey..
"Padan muka hang amoi,tula...hang pi kacau watpa kucing aku..Dia duk elok2 ja hang pi terkam cam kawaq,'kata aku dalam hati..
Sekali,mai bapak dia trus amik kucing aku,pastu lempaq kat tepi dinding dengan kuat sekali!!
"Aduh,sakitnya!!,kata kucing aku dlm bahasa kucing..Hanya aku yg paham..
Aku yg tergamam dengan tindakkan bapak amoi ni,trus menjerit.."HAI!!"
tuja..Aku trus bergegas kluaq n ambik kucing aku yg terjelepuk tepi dinding dengan lemahnya..Seluruh tulang belulangnya sangat lembik..
Sebak aku pegang kucing tu..Dalam hati...,"Kuajaq punya cina,hang ni takdak hati perut ka!!!,tgkla nanti aku report kat bapak aku!"
Aku pun mengadula kat kak aku sambil tunjuk kucing tu kat dia
"kak nor..Dia baling kucing kita..isk isk isk....Dia jahat.."kata aku sebak..
kak aku yg terkejut trus amik minyak gamat n sapu kat badan anak kucing tu yg sudah tak menggerakkan badannya...
Tidak berapa lama tu...Kucing tupun meninggal...Aku sangat sedih dan sejak haritu...Aku sangat benci ngan orang yg wat zalim kat menatang ni tak kirala apa2 menatang pun..
Teringat kisah seorang wanita yg rajin beribadat tetapi akhirnya masuk ke naraka juga akibat sikapnya yg suka mengurung kucing tapi tak memberi mkanan kepada kucing itu sehingga menyebabkan kematian kucing itu
Juga kisah seorang pelacur yg berusaha mencari air dalam telaga untuk diberikan kepada seekor anjing yg sedang kehausan..Akhirnya,pelacur ini masuk ke syurga..
Kedua2 kisah ini ada pro dan kontranya...Akan tetapi sudah jelas lagik bersuluh,sedalam mana ibadat dibuat akan tetapi sekiranya tiada belas ehsan di hati sesama manusia dan haiwan...Ke neraka juga jawabnya..
Satu hari aku kuaq makan lunch kat kafe budak2 econs…Kafe ni diperkenalkan oleh kawan baik aku Syar…Agak sedap n murah..Kafe ni jugak banyak menyediakan makanan kegemaran aku..Agak pelik sebenarnya kerana walaupun aku ni Melayu sejati…Tapi kebanyakkan makanan2 yg aku suka bukanla makanan melayu..Aku lebih memilih makanan2 Barat dan Arab seperti roti,keju,susu,pizza dan spaggeti n lasagna..Cewah..hehe
Makanan yg aku suka di kafe econs adalah Kebab ayam yg memang purely style arab punya…perghhh..sedap..hehe..
Oleh sebab tym tu,banyak kengkawan aku yg ada kelas,so aku memilih untuk makan berseorangan kat satu penjuru ni…Aku makan Lasagna ngan jagung…Sedap gila sampai aku tak panggung2 kepala..Sekali,maila sorang wanita ni yg aku rasa sebaya ngan mummy aku..Terenyeh-renyeh ja kat aku sambil bawak pinggan yg penuh ngan kuih-muih..”Ade orang tak dik?”Tanya makcik tu kat aku…
Aku senyum jalah…”takde…duduklah makcik..”jawab aku dengan penuh kesopanan dan ketatasusilaannya…(Kalau kawan2 aku dengaq,meremang depa,aku rasa)kahkahkahakah
Dalam hati aku,”Orang takdak tepi saya tapi,setan banyakla..”hehehe.. Maklumla,nak makankan,setan pun nak menumpangla sekaki kalau tak baca doa makan..
“Makcik ni orang Indonesia ya?”,Tanya aku dalam dialek Indon…Besala,aku duk praktis ngan Kak Wulan selalu…Fasihla pulak..kahkahkahakah.. Terkejut makcik tu,”Iya,Makcik dari sana…Dari Jawa..Udah lama kerja disini..,”Jawab makcik tu sambil mata dia tak lepas2 tgk aku.. “Jadiknya,keluarga makcik ada dimana?,”Tanya aku lagi sambil menghabiskan makanan2 dlm mulut aku..
Suami makcik disini…Buruh kontrak..Anak makcik juga ada disini..Menuntut di Kolej Syahputra..Di Pahang.. Tudia aih…Habeh angkut anak branak depa mai sini…Aku rasa macam nak tanya ja,Makcik ni pendatang tanpa izin ka dengan izin..Tapi sensitive kan soalan ni..Aku pun waras lagik..Kang takpasal2 aku kena cocok ngan “buluh runcing” tu pulak..huhu..Serrrrremmmmm..
Gurau2 ja..Isu Indonesia nikan sensitive skit..Dari isu penderaan pembantu rumah, Manohara yg masih “cun”’ walaupun didera,sehinggalah isu kain batik pun menjadi bualan..
Aku teringat satu cerita dari seorang wartawan Malaysia yg sedang membuat liputan semasa berlaku kjadian gempa di Indonesia beberapa bulan yg lalu..Ketika itu ummat ISLAM masih berada di bulan Ramadhan
Wartawan itu,sdang lalu di pasar2 sambil memilih beberapa helai selimut..Tiba2 beliau disapa oleh seorang penduduk disitu yg tahu bahawa wartawan itu merupakann rakyat Malaysia..
,”Lihat itu..Manohara sedang membeli belah!” sindir lelaki itu kuat dan disambut hiliran tawa rakan2nya yg lain.. Wartawan itu yg tahu bahawa kehadirannya kurang disenangi oleh penduduk tempatan masih tetap diam dan terus memilih selimut2 tersebut.. Lelaki itu,masih tidak berpuas hati dengan reaksi wartawan itu..Lalu menghamburkan pula ayat keduanya..”Malaysia curi Tarian Pendet Indonesia!”,kata lelaki itu sambil menghirup kopinya yg masih panas…Lelaki ini sudahla tidak berpuasa malah tidak menghormati orang lain yg berpuasa..
Akan tetapi,wartawan itu tetap sabar dan meneruskan kerjanya untuk memilih selimut2 berkenaan untuk dibeli.. Oleh sebab geram dengan provokasinya yg tak menjadik itu..Lelaki itu terus menyapa dan mengekori Wartawan itu sambil menepuk bahunya dari blakang.. “Bang,selimut ini mau dijual kembali ke Malaysia ya?”tanya lelaki itu kepada wartawan tersebut..Mungkin kerana tiada modal lagik untuk dibualkan dan dikutukkan..
Wartawan itupun menjelaskan bahawa tujuannya membeli selimut berkenaan bukanla untuk dijual balik ke Malaysia tapi membelinya untuk diagih-agihkan kepada mangsa2 gempa bumi sekitar kawasan itu.. Alangkah malu bukan kepalang si lelaki terbabit.. Wartawan itu sempat melihat perubahan muka sang lelaki yg tak hbes2 mencetuskan provokasi murahan..selepas dia selesai membeli selimut itu,dia terus meninggalkan lelaki itu dlm keadaan yg masih terpinga2..
Bagi aku mindset segolongan Rakyat Indonesia ni seharusnya dibersih dan diupgradekan..Jangan kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga.. Kita ni sesama Islam… dan Islam tidak membenarkan ummatnya untuk bermusuh-musuhan dan dengki mendengki..Setakat tarian Pendet yg tak membawak ummatnya ke syurga tu n kisah kain batik Indonesia yg tak bopa memberikan pahala kepada sapa2 tu..Takyahla nak bergaduh-gaduh..
Janganla kisah2 tersebut mnyebabkan umat Islam berpecah belah.. Bagi aku..KALAU stakat ada rakyat indon yg berniat nak “sweeping” Rakyat Malaysia yg bopa ketui ja ada kat Indonesia dengan penyapu tu…Takyahla…buang masa ja wei…Aku rasa baru ja hampa nak sweeping,kiteorang dah VACUUUUUUMING rakyat hampa yg berjuta2 tu kat sini dengan vacuum kitaorang..Bukan takmau buat,tapi sebab pikiaq kita ni sesama Islam ja..n Majoriti Muslim di Malaysia tak diajaq untuk menutup periuk rezeki orang len even dari Indonesia..Taktahula pulak kalau ada "MUSLIM YG LIBERAL" ni camana..
N kata orang tua2..bila kita berdagang ke negara orang ni..kena pandai membawa diri..Kita bukan sekadar bawa nama sendirik,tapi maruah, agama,bangsa dan negara..Jadik pandai2la menjaga nama baik negara masing2..Niatkan di hati untuk mencari rezeki yg halal dan jgn sesekali mengkhianati kepercayaan orang terhadap kita...Insya Allah,pasti selamat dunia dan akhirat..
Semoga ada ruang damai antara MALAYSIA dan INDONESIA..kerana kita SERUMPUN..Aminnnnn
Khayalan aku terhenti bilamana makcik itu menyapa aku dan bertanyakan samada
aku ni berasal dari Tanah Arab..Mungkin kerana ada sedikit muka iras sana.. Teringat kata2 Arina,”Jannah,seriously…Fes time kiter tgk awak,kiter ingat awak ada campur2 dari arab….
“Takla makcik…tapi suami saya orang sana kut…hehe,”jawab aku tersenyum sambil bangun meninggalkan makcik itu dengan penuh tanda tnya…
*Tiada niat mau membuat provokasi atau kontroversi,sebarang kesulitan harap dimaafkan..
Engkau bagai air yang jernih Di dalam bekas yang berdebu Zahirnya kotoran itu terlihat Kesucian terlindung jua Cinta bukan hanya di mata Cinta hadir di dalam jiwa Biarlah salah di mata mereka Biar perbezaan terlihat antara kita Kuharapkan kau kan terima Walau dipandang hina Namun hakikat cinta kita Kita yang rasa Suatu hari nanti Pastikan bercahaya Pintu akan terbuka Kita langkah bersama Di situ kita lihat Bersinarlah hakikat Debu jadi permata Hina jadi mulia Bukan khayalan yang aku berikan Tapi keyakinan yang nyata Kerana cinta lautan berapi Pasti akan kurenang jua
If I were a scientist, Firstly, I will try to find the remedy for HIN1. Recently, HIN1 which is also known as Influenza A and Pandemic flu is a very dangerous disease. This kind of disease is originally come from pig. People who are suffered from this disease will have lot symptoms for example coughing, body ache, headache, flu and also bad fever. Besides, when this disease become worse, the patient will die easily. In addition, until now, there are about thousands people died because of it. So, we are encouraged to wear mask in order to prevent the spreading of this disease. Because there is no remedy was found until now, hence, if I were a scientist, I will try to invent the solution for it.
Secondly, as a scientist, I also will some medicine to cure AIDS. AIDS is actually a disease which will effect the whole body especially the imunity. It is also spreading by sharing the injections, unsafely sexual relations, and also blood transition. As far as I concern, until now, there is no remedy are found to cure this hazardous disease. However according to Reader digest’s book, there are almost 10 people died every day because of this killer disease. So, as a scientist, it is my responsibility to find the remedy quickly in order to save people.
Thirdly, If I were a scientist, I will try to invent the remedy for Glaukoma disease. Glaukoma is the disease which is related to eyes. This kind of disease will affect the eyes slowly until the patient become blind. Although, there are a lot of modern treatments right now, such as laser and surgery, but they still cannot be able to cure this disease. My best friend also was suffered from this disease. As her friend, I hope that she can be able to see with both of her eyes. That is the reason on why I want to invent the medicine for this disease.
Fourthly, if I were a scientist, I will also try to find the solution to cure Down syndrome’s disease. The reason why I want to invent the remedy for this disease is because I have a cousin who suffered from it. This disease usually identified during pregnancy. The cause of Down Syndrom is actually because of the lack or overlimit or the chromosomes in Zygots. Sometimes, the usage of wrong medicine among pregnant women also might affect the prenatal. So, when the baby is delivered and grow up, they are unable to move, to talk and to speak. Hence, if were a scientist, I want to find the remedy for it. Although I know, it is impossible to cure this disease, but I believe, in this world, there are no diseases that can not be cure and we have to try for it.
All the reasons above are why I really want to be a scientist.
Hariniaku pi kelas edu psiko ngan penuh bersemangatnya...Aku taktau pasaipa aku rasa teruja sangat nak pi kelas ni harini....Macam besa,ada grup yg akan wat presentation..Tapi before tu madam mengajaq dulu...tajuk dia lebih kurang macam aku present last week ja...MOTIVATION and the roles of teacher to influence student to become a top student...
Aku sebenarnya agak gementar bila menyebutkan tentang pranan2 guru ni...Bukan apa,amanahkan....takut terlaksana pulak...
Lepas madam ckap2 skit...tibala ada satu grup ni present...Tapi yg aku agak terkilannya...salah seorang pemula mukadimah grup tu tak menggunakan kelebihan yg ada kat dia untuk menarik orang dengaq presentation dia...Kelebihan dia ialah...Dia ada sepasang mata yg lengkap dan sepasang kaki untuk berjalan...
Sebagai seorang yg berpengalaman dlm bab2 presentation ni,aku ada beberapa cadanganla nak bagik untuk orang yg jenih tak bopa expert bab2 presentation ni...huhu..
FES step is.....Kenal audiens kita sapa..PENTING..supaya content yg kita berikan tu...bersesuian ngan oarang yg nak dengaq tu..
Then..Cari centre untuk bgi presentation...Kalau boleh centre tu,tak membelakangkan audiens and lecturer(respek)...Centre tu jugak tak block slide show yg kita nak paparkan tu..
Kalau ditakdirkan kita kena present in group,jgn longgokkan suma orang dalam tempat yg sama...Bahagi2 skit...Takla semak perut sangat..
Untuk presentation dalam bahasa melayu,aku nasihatkan...Gunakanla BAHASA STANDARD..kalau doh kelate nok kecek kelate jo...kecek samo oghe mung Utagha pun nak cakap bahasa depa jugak...Pakat2 nak tunjuk jati diri masing2 ni payah lewww..
LAGI SATU...pemilihan wardrobe ataupun pakaian tu kenala bersesuaian...NI ada sorang budak kelas aku tu...Dari atas sampai bawah pakai tudung, ngan skirt merah cabai tu..Dah macam nak masuk rancangan Bolos dh ha( Bolos saja dinding kitaaaa!!hehe)..Astagfirullahlazim..laser mulut aku..hehehe
Ehm...slain tu..Bagi aku..eye contact antara presenter ngn audiens sangat penting..Biaq apa yg diucapkankan tu menusuk skit..Selain itu,senyum jugak penting untuk menaikkan confident kita untuk bercakap dan keselesaan org untuk melihat kita..Then...Suara tu,of cozla kena kuatkan sedikit...Kalau pelan sgt semut pun tak dengaqkan..
Untuk contentnya plak...kalau anda ni jenih orang yg takleh bagi secara spontan,of cozla kadang2 tgk kertas kan...TAPI perlu diingatkan k...PRESENTATION is about, we try to tell something that people don't know...Kalau baca ja...Balik ghumah boleh baca..So,plan dulu...wat draft apa menda yg nak dicerita n nak dicakap...Simple and easy..Kalau boleh mukadimmah ngan penutup tu...bagi ingatla...sebab kedua2 element ni penting untuk membuatkan orang ingat apa yg kiita present tu...Aku nak pi klas...
To my sister...Effa Khairunnisak...a.k.a hot mama! Selamat hari lahir yg ke-29...huhu...semoga Allah senantiasa memberkatimu dalam apa jua bidang yg diceburi...dan semoga berbahagia hingga ke anak cucu....cicit...huhu..Atas tu kek besday tempah dari German tadi..sajala order...Makanla ngan Aliff n ngan abg zuhairi...hehe..ok bubuiii
Pagi ni,roomate aku suma kuaq dating ngan balak masing2,ada yg ajak aku tgk wayang sama depa...Aku jawab ja,haram tgk wayang...terkulat-kulat muka kawan2ku lepas aku jawab camtu...kahkahkahkah...Lepas tu,aku ketawa besaqla bila tgk muka depa yg separuh biru tu...Aku kata gurau2 ja...Allah,nak tgk,tgk jalahkan...Niat aku pun memang nak bergurau ja..huhu...
Lepas duk melawak2 ngan rumate aku tu,depa pun kuaqla tinggaikan aku sensorang dlm bilik..Tapi salah sorang rumate aku,aqida sempat tinggaikan makanan2 ringan kat aku...Banyak gila..Dia kesian kat aku sebab antara lapan2 rumate aku tu,aku sorang ja ada dlm bilik..
Aku tak kesah,sebab aku banyak gila reja nak wat..Lagipun aku memang plan nak pi umah terbuka mahalah hafsah tengahari tu...huhu
senyap sunyi ja bilik aku lepas tu...Aku ingat nak pinjam broadband fiza jap nak online...Nak harapkan wireless uia ni...Ibarat menunggu durian jatuh ke gurun saharala..tapi tak sempat nak mintak,pintu bilik dh terkunci...huhu..
Aku pun menghabiskanla masa aku ngan syarnissa...Makan sama2..Tapi taklama lepas tu.. aku pun naik bilik cepat2 sebab syar nak hapai surah al-mukminun n surah furqan untuk dia tasmik kat halaqah nanti...Takmaula kacau diakan..huhu
Dlm pukui 2 lebeh aku pun kuaqla bilik untuk pi jamuan raya tu..Ingat nak pi makan free ja...Sekali Mahalah tu bagi hadiah sekali untuk ptandingahan syarahan bahasa arab yg aku pernah masuk kira2 2 purnama lamanya...Lamanya...Aku ingat takdak nombor sebab aku masuk ala2 bidan terjun yg menggunakan payung terjun untuk turun ke air terjun..hehee....
Tgk2...adala sikit2...
Third place
Tenkiu mak n abah srta kengkawan yg menyokong aku...hihi
Lagu di atas adalah lagu wajib yg akan aku dengar before aku masuk ke mana2 pertandingan atau mana2 peperiksaan...Bagi aku,lagu mentera semerah padi ni mempunyai makna yg tersendiri...This is the spirit!This is the confident!
Bila aku dengar ja lagu ni,aku rasa bagaikan ada satu hembusan yg berbisik dan mengatakan,"Aku gadis melayu!Aku orang Islam! DAN AKU TAK TAKUT untuk mengatakan yg benar! Aku tidak takut akan segala cabaran dunia!Sekali aku melangkah,aku takkan menoleh ke belakang lagi!
Sebab itu,segentar mana aku,SEkuat mana jantungku bedetak! Sekali,bila kalimah pertama dilontar dan langkah pertama dihayun, Aku yakin Tuhanku di atasku!
Dan ketika itu, menangislah musuh2 aku kerana SI BELUNCAS sudah mengeluarkan sayap pertamanya untuk TERBANG jauh!KEPOMPONG sudah dibuang!Beluncas itu sudah tak takut lagik!dan akulah SI BELUNCAS itu!
-PENGHINAAN adalah pujian bermaruah -KEGAGALAN adalah ijazah akal buat diri -KEGELAPAN adalah hadiah mata untuk hati -KESEDIHAN adalah kasih sayang Tuhan buat Insan -KEBODOHAN adalah seruan iman dlm mencari panduan..
Aku akan mati,tapi biarla mati aku,mati bermaruah! Sekali pinjaman dunia ini masih belum Expired UNTUKKU...Akan kuteruskan langkahku laju dan layu..Inilah menteraku! Dan semuanya hanya terhenti bila Izrail menyentuh kakiku..
Today,my group was announced as a Champion of the game...Alhamdulillah, i'm quite happy wif that..But thing which is come into my mind is about her condition..I really worried about my friend, Syarnissa..Her disease comes again and killed my mood..Yesterday,we have planned to go to Aquaria and Petrosains on this becoming Sunday..I really wanna go out wif her..I have cancelled my program which is Volunteer servica wif animal at Zoo Negara just wanna be there...huhu..
My dream since i was in CFS is to bring all of my friends and my family to Petrosains,KLCC..When i know that UIA has organised the tour to Aquaria and Petrosains,i quickly registered and ask my friends to join..We just have to pay only Rm10 and actually the real price is around Rm 30..
Petrosains is the most fantastic place that i have ever been in my life..Dun ask me,"What about the mosque?"hehehe....YEA YEA YEA...mOSQUE also lah...But now,i talk about science and technology..I have been there twice..firstly when i was in standard 6 and secondly,YTR camp..There are a lot of things that u can learn and u can feel...Believe me!
What about Aquaria?never..I never been there becoz the cost is too expensive(can accomadate my food around 3 days)..In addition,there are only fish there....Fish for eat!not to display!hehe..
So by joining this program,i can save a lot of money...hahahah....Smart gurl right?
Get well soon my friend-let's go to Petrosains!!!!!!!!!!hurray!!!!!!!!
TO my beautiful sista and to the most generous gurl dat i have ever met,
Semoga panjang umoq n murah rezeki...
Maafkan adinda karana tak dapat bersama kakanda pd majlis ulang tahunmu yg ke 25..Adinda berharap kakanda akan menjadi insan yg beriman dan senantiasa bertawakkal kepada Allah sokmo..Oleh sebab dinda takleh balik,jadik hanya kek 3 tingkat di atas shj yg mampu adinda bagi..Salu tinggi tu tingkatnyer..nak potong pun kena naik tangga tapi sebab loan tak diluluskan,jadik 3 pun jadikla kan..huhu..Jangan lupa jemput sanak sedara makan kek ni...Jauuuh datangnyer...Pak Mail tkang kebun skolah mak pun jemputla skali ya...Dia tu dh lama tak makan kek sjak2 kena Sweet Pee ni..(sweet pee-kencing manis)..Oklah kak...boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!
HEHE...geli lak aku kanda dinda ni..Kang trus jadik anakonda lak..wuuuu..takmo2..
Ehm..harini besday kak aku fiza..4 oktober..So,aku agak hepila sebab dia masih hidup pd usia suku abad ni..Semoga Allah senantiasa melindungi dia dunia dan akhirat...
waiting for the second brother in law from you...hehe
To my dear brothers and sisters who always give up in learning English...I DEDICATE this kind of story to all of you...My true story..My true experience...This story has described my journey during learning English..For me..As a TESL student who came from rural area, it is undeniable that English is very hard to understand but my advice to you..TRY...TRY to undrstand and practise this language untill u know how beautiful it is...ok...Hopefuly u will get a lot of benefits during read it..Thank you...-Kampung girl
In Malaysia, the usage of English language among citizens is still at low level. It is because Malaysians especially Malays are more dominant toward Malay language. In addition, Malay language is their mother tongue language .The application of English language can only be seen in educational institutions whereby it is used in classes and schools as one of the mediums of communication. However, its application is limited once the class comes to an end.
I had experienced this situation before in my life. As Malay who comes from rural area, I feel extremely difficult to catch up with this language. I still remember when I was young, I used to watch one of the famous English movies at that time which is entitled Casper. The story is about a group of kids who turned into ghost because of an accident. Although there was no Malay subtitle provided in this film, I understand this film in my own view. It happened because I always try to predict what is happening in those scenes, the messages that they try to deliver and their body language. I applied the same method when I watched an English film called Jumanji. In this film, the factors why I clearly understand what happened in the whole film lie in the settings and the use of animals. I keep on watching this film for many times. In the end, I realized that my understanding on this film is much clearer and better. However, I am not really exposed to English movies very much because my parents do not encourage me to watch it as they were quite worried about the content of that film. It is quite hard to find a good English movie at that time. Many of them are associated with violence and harmful scene. So, my hobby on watching English films just stopped there.
However, my experience in learning English does not end there. The real story began when I entered my school life. I had been to school since I was in six years old. Unlike normal children who are sent to kindergarten at the same age, I had been exposed with school life earlier than them. However, I still remember at that time where I was unable to write or speak in English. The sentences that my English teacher taught me and friends at that time were “Excuse me, teacher, may I go to toilet?” We had to memorize them in order to get the permission for going to toilet during English class. When I was seven, I was transferred to religious school (previously known as Sekolah Agama Rakyat (SAR). In this school, my interest in English turns to another language which is Arabic language. Surprisingly, I could acquire Arabic very well in this school rather than English although I knew English earlier. However, my progress in learning English was rather slow because in this school, I had lack of exposition on English. In addition, we had only a few English teachers.
However, everything changed when I went to another school known as Sekolah Kebangsaan Kayang in Perlis. In that school, I was very lucky because I was taught by an English expert known as Madam Azizah. She always encouraged me to learn English language. She also taught me and my friends to create easy sentences .As a result, we can remember them easily.
. My English is getting better and better each day. In this school, I also join the English
Language Club. All the activities in this society had improved my English skills and because I had a quite good performance in English. I was appointed to represent my school in an English Language Quiz Competition. My passion toward English Language was increased when I became the champion in the Perlis English Language Quiz Competition. Finally, during my Ujian Peperiksaan Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) examination, I got an A in my English paper. At that particular moment, I can say that my writing skills and my vocabulary in English are quite good but the skills that I was still not good at were grammar and speaking.
Then with the good result which is 5A’s in UPSR, I had been selected to join one of the top schools in Perlis which is Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Perempuan Kangar, Perlis. Here, because of my good vocabulary and writing skills, I always became the best student for English until I entered form three where my achievement in English decreased enormously. When I was in form three, I was fed up with my English teacher who always gave me a lot of worksheets as practice and we discussed them in a boring way. Besides, my teacher did not focus on essay and as a consequence for that, my writing skills got worse and worse.
As a form three student, I was very busy with the tight schedule because at that time, we also had to face an important examination which is Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR). In addition, I also had to attend many programs organized by school. Sometimes, because of lack of time, my friends and I copied and exchanged answers with each other. As a result, I only got B in my PMR examination. I felt very disappointed with my result as well as my mistakes in blaming the teacher instead of myself. I could say that this is the biggest mistake I ever did in my life.
However, I tried to change my attitude in learning English when I was in form four. Furthermore, other than focusing my studies in English, I also participated in many activities associated with English Language. Besides, I even joined the choral speaking competition. Thus, by keep on practicing in the choral speaking, I realized that I had improved my speaking skills especially on my pronunciation and intonation. I kept on practicing and the practice was supervised by my teachers. My friends and I always corrected each other and until the day of the competition, we kept on practicing because our goal at that time was to be a champion in the competition. Nevertheless, I still remembered that during the announcement of the result’s competition, we were so excited to hear it. However, after the judge has announced the third place, he announced the second place to one of the other schools by nominating it as a first runner up. The students of the school were very happy because they thought that they were a champion. They shouted very loudly and were very satisfied because they thought they managed to beat my school team. Perhaps, they were confused with the word “First”. However, the condition became merrier when the judge announced my school as the champion of the competition. We jumped in joy and hugged each other. That moment is one of the most memorable moments in my life.
When I was in form five, I really concentrated on my English subject because I had to face the most important examination in secondary school which is Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). At the same time, I was also appointed as a head prefect in my school. Therefore, during assembly, I used these opportunity to give speeches by using English language. However, sometimes when I tried to use the right way in speaking English, I was laughed at by other students. Some of them said that I tried to show off and those words made me feel quite upset towards Malaysians’ perception on English. Other than that, becoming a head prefect also caused me to associate with numerous problems and matters. Not all students were willing to accept the way I lead them. One day, I received a letter from my friend. It was written in English. In her letter, she said that she did not like my style on doing the spot check on them at that time. The sentences that I still could remember at that time is “If the Makmum do not like the Imam, the Solat can not be considered as Sah or passed”. After I finished read the letter, I still remember that I really wanted to reply the letter in English but in the end, I failed to do so. No suitable words and thoughts came out from my mind. Finally, I asked one of my friends to help me to translate my words from Malay to English. At that time, I realized that my English were not just getting worse yet it was the worst. I felt quite embarrassed at that time with myself. However, I still worked hard for my English until I managed to get A1 for my English result in SPM.
Then after SPM, I was selected to join the exclusive leadership camp under Tun Razak Foundation (Yayasan Tun Razak). This camp was attended by many top students around Malaysia. Many of them came from boarding school such as Sek Men Alam Syah, Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Syah, Kolej Tunku Kursiah, Maktab Rendah Sains Mara and other science schools in Malaysia. I still remember how terrible my condition at that time because I had to associate with the entire participants who really mastered and could speaking English fluently. Sometimes I tried to isolate myself from them because I afraid that they will try to ask me in English which I really could not master very well at that time. The talks and the speeches were also conducted in English and I did not understand some of the speech very well. As a consequent, I just slept while my friends enjoyed all of them very well.
After SPM, I tried to apply one of the medicine college in Cyberjaya. Finally, I was selected to attend the interview. At first, I did not know that the interview will be conducted in English. However, during the day of the interview, all the interviewers used English to communicate with me. I still remembered how difficult my condition was in order to answer every single question from them. I also felt very afraid at that time. However, I tried my best during interview and at last I was accepted.
However, I did not go to that college because my father asked me to go to Teacher College Training Centre to be a teacher. Based on my result and my choice, I was selected to join Tuanku Bainun Teacher Training Centre. It was located in Penang. Here, I was offered to do Islamic Education as well as Arabic and English Teaching courses. However, I only went there for a week because I got another offer which is at International Islamic University Malaysia. At first I refused to withdraw from this institute, but my mother persuaded me to study there. They said that I still can be a teacher if I do the degree in Bachelor of English. However, my father had his own opinion. As a lecturer in Perlis Teacher Training Centre, he said that my future will be guaranteed if I just stick in my place. However, the explanation from my father make me feel very confuse .I do not know whose intention I should follow. I still remember that my father was very happy when I got the offer from the Teacher Training Centre, and before that, he helped me a lot especially in my interview preparation.Finally, with tears in my eyes, I decide to pack up all my things in my room in that place and went to IIUM.
Actually, as a science stream student, Bachelor of English never reaches my mind. I had not been exposed with this course because my goal at that time was to become a doctor or something that is related to science field. However, after I came to IIUM, I started to accept my fate and tried to build new life here.Maybe my destiny was written by God to be an English teacher. So, when I reach Centre For Foundation Studies in Petaling Jaya, I had to do certain examinations which are English Placement Test and Arabic Placement Test. Surprisingly, I passed Arabic examination but I just got level 4 in English examination. I thought I got more than that because in the past, my grammar skill was quite good. However, in that examination, I still remember that I only can do the Grammar part very well but I failed to do the same in essay part. Therefore, I accepted my result willingly and that result had made me stay in matriculation for two years.
Being a student of IIUM student also encouraged me to learn more about English. It was a bonus to me to live in environment which uses English as one of the mediums of communication. In order to improve my speaking skill, I try to associate myself with international students. Even though I do not speak fluently like they do but I keep on trying and trying. I always dream that one day, I could speak English fluently as I speak my native language now.
When I was in CFS PJ, I was placed in 4 level class. In that class, I was taught to do a mini essay which was very interesting for me that as a result I could compose the essay very well. My lecturer at that time who is Miss Sidhu was quite strict. However, because of her strictness and her effort, my friends and I could learn the way to compose an essay in an easy and right way. Unlike the other lecturer, Miss Sidhu is very good in term of giving the feedback for my mistakes. She knows that many students are having the problems in writing essays. Therefore, she always asks us to do the draft first. After we were done with the first draft, she would put some comments on it and asked us to improvise and write a new essay. As a result, we easily detected our mistakes and tried to not repeat it back. At the end of the semester, I managed to write essays very well and finally I was eligible to go level 5 easily.
In level 5 class, I was taught to do more difficult essays. In this level, we were taught to do some comparison in essays. My lecturer at that time was Mr. Baharudin. He was very experienced in teaching English. I was a lucky student at that time because I used to be his student. He taught me on how the comparison essay should be. In his class, I can catch up very well. As a result, I passed my 5 level examinations, and managed to go to level 6.
At level 6, the tasks became more difficult. However I also managed to go through this exam. So with this qualification, I was allowed to take English Placement Test. English Placement Test or also known as EPT was the climax for CFS IIUM students. In this examination, I failed to get good marks for my grammar. Consequently, for the next semester I have to repeat this paper again. I felt quite disappointed. However, I started to do some revision on my grammar.Finally, I passed this examination.
After passed my EPT, I took subjects that are associated with my course. There are Poetry, Drama, Introduction to Linguistics, and many more. All of these are my core subjects and are quite difficult to learn. However, my favorite subject is Communication Skills. In this subject, I had been taught by my lecturer on how to give a good speech. Thus, in order to improve our skills in communication, we had been given different kinds of speech to perform in front of the class every week. I still remembered the speeches that I performed which were demonstrative, persuasive, speeches in special event and many more. However, I realized that it is not easy to attract people to hear or to pay full attention to my speech. At first, I used to memorize all my speech for my presentation. At that time, I did not really know how to give my speech spontaneously. Nevertheless, I always tried very hard to improve my weakness in speaking, day by day. Sometimes, in order to grab my friends’ attention, I mixed my speech with jokes and so far, it worked. I got a lot of positive feedback from my audience. Through this subject, my confidence in speaking in English increases greatly. I also managed to eliminate my shyness and control my nervousness in order to present the best in my class.
However, most of the subjects that I really do not like are the subjects which involved reading such as Drama, Literature and also Poetry. It is because I dislike reading in English. Since I was in secondary school, I realized that I do not have any passion in reading English literature.
I always prefer to read Malay newspaper rather than English such as Utusan Melayu, Metro,Kosmo Berita Harian and many more. Besides, I never finish reading my short story book whether in secondary school or in the university. I still remember that when I was form five, we used to read one the short story entitled “The Pearl”. It is about 210 pages. I only read half of the story because I felt bored easily. In addition, I did not understand the meaning of the stories very well. However, fortunately at that time, I had a reference book which helped me to understand the whole story clearly. The book contains a lot of pictures and symbols which make the story look simple and clear. In addition, it also describes all the characters and their characteristics in the story. So, by reading this synopsis, I manage to answer the entire question very well in my examination.
My other weakness in learning English is my listening skills. Actually, I also used songs as a tool to improve my English. However, some songs are too fast that I failed to catch up with it. Nevertheless, at first, I used to memorized the song without understand the meaning of the song very well. However, one day, I put one of the songs from the famous singer from United States known as Akon in my Friendster’s profile. The song’s title is ‘Smack That’. I really like this song because of its rhythm. However, one day, one of my best friends says that this song is dedicated to the person who wants to perform sexual intercourse with their partners. The words used in this song are also rude and inappropriate. I felt very shocked and started to do research on this song. I also try to find the lyrics from the Internet. Finally, I got the answer.
The song extremely contains lots of porn lexicon and syntax and I felt ashamed of myself. Since that incident, I started to be careful in listening and singing English songs. Actually, it is quite hard to find the English songs which contain appropriate words. Some of them are associated with violence and sexual activities. However, it is undeniable that, by listening to them, my vocabulary has also improved.
Although my parents do not encourage me to watch English movies, they encouraged me to gain my vocabulary in English by buying a set of Sahibba games. Sahibba is actually a group of games that require their players to create words in order to get marks. The longer words we make, the more marks we will get. So, in order to get new words, I always use my dictionary. So, by looking for new words, I not only gain new vocabulary but also understand the meaning and also the synonym of the words.
However, as a teacher, I will try to use variation of methods to instill my students in learning English. The First step that I will do is to recognize my students due to their background and their ability. Hence, it is easy to me to teach them if I know where their weakness is and in the same time, I can easily find the way to overcome their problems. However, as far as I know, the methods of learning are different toward students with different ability. As a result, students should be categorized in three categories; weak, average and excellent. Thus, as a teacher, I will try to focus more on the students who has been categorized as weak students. Usually, some of the weak students come from rural area which is also different than urban area due to their exposition on English. So, as a teacher, I will try to provide enough materials to my students so that, they will not be left abandoned during the learning process.
The next step that I will do to my students is I will try to create a system of tutorial in my class. The tutors will be selected based on the students who score the high marks in English. Thus, by using this system, the excellent students will be able to help their friends who are categorized as weak in a subject. As we know, students usually feel more comfortable to discus and learn with their own friends rather than their teachers. It is because, sometimes, the students feel a little bit shy to ask their teacher. Consequently, this problem will lead to misconduct of learning. Hence the use of tutors among friends is the best way to improve the weak students in learning English.
As we know, nowadays, students are easily influenced by entertainment. Besides, according to the survey done by students from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), the percentage of students who like to listen to the music is higher than the students who like to read the books. It has proven that, music or songs are played the important role to influence students. Thus, as a teacher, I will take the opportunity to use this alternative in teaching English. Perhaps, I will use songs or other music in my teaching. However, the songs that I provide will be evaluated carefully by me due to their lyrics, messages, meaning and rhythm.
This is important to ensure that my lesson is effective and contains a lot of benefits to the students. After that, I will ask my students to analyze the errors in the songs in terms of grammar and so on. At the end, my students are not also able to identify the grammar’s mistake but also can improve their vocabulary in fun way.
The other way to stimulate the students in learning English is to encourage them to watch English programs. We can start with the educational program such as Sesame Street and Barney. However, the program must be suitable according to their age. It is important to avoid students from getting bored and have lack of interest in English movies. Besides, English movies are effective to the students in learning English. English movies like Casper, Jumanji, Zathura, Charlie and the Chocolate Factories are the most suitable movies for young learners in learning English. It is because the content of the movies are suitable for all ages. In addition, all the movies contain a lot of lessons and they are easy to understand. Then, as a teacher, I also will ask my students to summarize the stories prior to their understanding. Therefore, if they give positive feedback, it means that they could understand the whole story very well. However, if the condition is vice versa, maybe I should find other movies which are easier to understand.
Finally, I will also organize the activities which will lead my students in improving their speaking skill. For example, presentation in front of the class, public speaking competition, choral speaking and so on. In addition, speaking skill is very important especially in gaining their confident in English. Besides, it is also will help the students in the future especially in seeking the jobs. As a conclusion, there are a lot of methods which can be used to help students in learning English. The best way is the easiest one and as a teacher, we should never give up easily in teaching this language.